WRGC has a capped membership of 450 Regular Active members.
In addition ,we also maintain a strong Life Member base which is obtained after 30 years of continuous membership.
If you would like to become a member, please review the process below.
1. Explore the Website to ensure that we offer what you are looking for.
2. Complete the tab Apply Today(top left corner of the Home page).
3. Submit the $200 Application fee. This secures your place on the waiting list.
4. Plan to attend a Regular Member meeting to meet members and obtain a sponsor if you do not have one. These meetings take place on the 1st Tuesday Evening of each month at 7 PM. (Review the event calendar to confirm dates).
5. Once processed you will receive a call inviting you to a member screening. This is an important meeting to attend.
6. After the screening you will be presented to the membership and a vote will occur(this is done typically as a group of 5 or more applicants).
7. If approved, pay the current dues(currently $210), purchase an access FOB(currently $10).
8. If you would like to use the Indoor or Outdoor Range you will need to attend an orientation.
9. Members are required to complete 4 Service hours per year between October 1st and September 30th.
10. Questions? Email : Info@wrgclub.org